Here is the collection of problem solved so far, and their solutions!
Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Search Tree
Given a Binary Search Tree, find the Lowest Common Ancestor.Read More →
Subtree of another tree
Given a tree, check if the tree belongs to another tree.Read More →
Balanced Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, check if it is height balanced or not.Read More →
Invert Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, invert the nodes of the tree.Read More →
Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, find the maximum depth of the tree.Read More →
Delete the nth node in a Linked List.
Given a nth position (counted from reverse) delete the node.Read More →
Reorder a Linked List.
Reorder a Linked List's elements in an alternative fashion.Read More →
Container with the most water.
Find the two containers that can hold the highest amount of water.Read More →
Longest Repeating Character.
With k number of tries, check for the longest sequence of characters.Read More →
Permutation String
Find the permutation of a target string within the given string.Read More →
Three Sum.
Find the three elements of the array whos sum amounts to 0.Read More →