Here is a compilation of concepts learnt so far!
Binary Search
- Binary Search is an optimised search algorithm.
- It is only valid in sorted algorithms.
- The time complexity is: O(logn)
How it works,
- First we have two pointers, left and right.
- Left points towards the beginning of the array and right points to the end.
- We calculate the median of the array.
- IF: the target is less than the middle element, we search the left half.
- ELSE: we search the right half. Repeat this until we've found the element!
- Trees is a non-linear data structure
- Binary Tree: A tree where every node has atmost 2 children
- Types of Binary Trees ** Full Binary Tree: It either has 2 children, or no children. ** Complete Binary Tree/Binary Heaps: The tree is uniformly filled (can be missed out on places, but they are uniformly filled). ** Perfect Binary Tree: All the parents in this tree have exactly 2 children nodes. All leaves are on the same level!
Perfect Binary Tree = Full + Complete
Traversals in tree
- PreOrder : Node, Left, Right
- InOrder: Left, Node, Right
- PostOrder: Left, Right, Node
- Depth First Search: This search starts from a node till its leaf (Uses Recursion/Stack)
- Breadth First Search: This search analyses all the nodes on a level (Uses a Queue)