Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Search Tree
Problem Link
Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Search Tree (opens in a new tab)
Problem Statement
- We are given a binary search tree, and two nodes. We need to find the common parent node of these two nodes from the tree.
- Here if the two nodes are p = 2, q = 8: the common lowest ancestor is 6
- Here if the two nodes are p = 7, q = 9: the common lowest ancestor is 8
- if the two nodes are p = 7, q = 6: the common lowest ancestor is 6 (6 is the root)
This is a binary search tree. It will always satisfy the rule: left<root<right
- First, with p and q, check if either is equal to the root: return root
- if p.val<root.val AND q.val<root.val : go into the left tree
- if root.val<p.val AND root.val<q.val : go into the right tree
- return the root if found
class Solution {
public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
TreeNode curr = root;
while (curr!=null){
if (p.val>curr.val && q.val>curr.val){
curr = curr.right;
else if ((p.val<curr.val && curr.val>q.val)){
curr = curr.left;
return curr;